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Physikalisch-Meteorologisches Observatorium Davos, World Radiation Center (PMOD/WRC)

PI: Stelios Kazadzis

The “Physikalisch-Meteorologisches Observatorium Davos und Weltstrahlungszentrum” (PMOD/WRC), is a designated institute by METAS for solar irradiance and is a participant of the CIPM-MRA.

The World Radiation Center (WRC) is composed of four sections which are responsible for maintaining and operating reference instruments in order to provide traceability and homogenisation on a global scale: The Solar Radiometry Section, The Infrared Radiometry Section, The World Optical Depth Research and Calibration Center, and the World Calibration Center for UV.The WRC has the following terms of reference:

  • Guarantee world-wide homogeneity of solar radiation measurements by maintaining the World Standard Group (WSG) which is used to establish the World Radiometric Reference and maintain a set of reference irradiance standards and ensure their traceability to the SI units through purchase and intercomparison of transfer standards traceable to primary irradiance standards held at National Metrological Institutes.
  • Maintain the global infrared radiation reference and defining the longwave infrared scale to which all longwave infrared radiation measurements should be traced .
  • Characterize, calibrate and validate solar spectral and broadband radiation instruments.
  • Research and development in radiometry and methods of observation of atmospheric radiation parameters.
  • Develop instruments and calibration procedures for absolute total and spectral solar and long-wave radiometry;
  • Participate in solar energy related applications
  • Train solar radiation specialists.
  • Maintain a Quality Management System following ISO 17025.

Physikalisch-Meteorologisches Observatorium Davos, World Radiation Center (PMOD/WRC) logo

Contributing instruments

Instrument PI
Yankee UV-MFR radiometer Vassilis Amiridis
PSR sunphotometer N. Mihalopoulos, Stelios Kazadzis
CMP - UVB - Pyranometers Julian Gröbner
Solar Energy Nowcasting System (SENSE) S. Kazadzis


For further information about the campaign please contact Vassilis Amiridis.


This campaign has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 654109.


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