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Democritus University of Thrace

PI: Konstantinos Kourtidis

In a rapidly changing environment, DUTH continues to build upon the challenges and demands of the future, reshaping its research strategy based on innovation, entrepreneurship, technology, the new digital era, development at a grand scale, as well as attracting funding from national (the Greek State, the Regional Authority of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace) and international (European Commission) authorities. DUTH, with its innovative and international post-graduate courses, as well as with different initiatives, tries to overcome the barriers of bureaucracy and geography. DUTH seeks to enhance its research profile with collaborations and projects that allow it to remain as one of the top research bodies in Northern Greece.

The research strategy of DUTH aims at one hand to further support its academic and outward-looking character and on the other hand to promote its social role. The Greek University with its dual nature it is not and should not be turned into a research institute solely focusing on frontier research, but it should also provide high quality programmes of studies aiming at the balanced growth of all research fields (both theoretical and applied).

The research policy of DUTH supports and promotes the triple helix model in the: a) the support and qualitative improvement of research activity and excellence, b) the sustainable operation of the research infrastructure, and c) in the exploitation of the produced research results.

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For further information about the campaign please contact Vassilis Amiridis.


This campaign has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 654109.


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