PRE-TECT experiment focuses on desert dust microphysical characterization from remote sensing, employing advanced inversion techniques developed in the framework of ACTRIS, focusing on aerosol absorption to fulfill the objectives of the ACTRIS JRA1 activity (“Improving the accuracy of aerosol light absorption determinations”). Specifically, the aim of the campaign is to validate the remote sensing retrievals against surface and airborne in-situ measurements. PRE-TECT experiment will take place from 1st to 30th of April 2017 at the Greek atmospheric observatory of Finokalia of the University of Crete. PRE-TECT is clustered with a number of atmospheric experiments that will be implemented during the same period in Eastern Mediterranean.
Specifically, PRE-TECT is framed by the following projects and initiatives:
- The D-TECT ERC project, aiming to assess the impact of particle electrification on desert dust dynamics and long-range transport. During PRE-TECT, new sensors for atmospheric electricity will be tested in order to combine these measurements with the advanced ACTRIS aerosol products.
- The A-LIFE ERC project, aiming to provide fundamental new understanding on aerosol absorption and its impact on dynamics. The campaign is also supported by the operation of the LACROS facility of TROPOS in Cyprus. The ACTRIS ground-based stations at Finokalia and Limassol will provide high-quality aerosol products for A-LIFE.
- The GEO-CRADLE project aiming to coordinate and integrate state-of-the-art Earth Observation Activities in the regions of North Africa, Middle East, and Balkans in order to develop links with GEO related initiatives towards GEOSS. Two thematic pilots of GEO-CRADLE will be addressed in PRE-TECT, the dust forecast service and the SENSE energy system for the determination of solar energy. Both services will be validated against dust and radiation measurements that will be performed from ground and air over Greece and Cyprus.
- The CAMS Copernicus Atmospheric Service , aiming to provide continuous data and information on atmospheric composition, supporting applications in a variety of domains including health, meteorology and climatology. PRE-TECT will provide an unprecedented aerosol and cloud dataset to evaluate respective CAMS components over Eastern Mediterranean.
- The ECARS TWINNING EU project, aiming to boost INOE’s research capacity in the domain of atmospheric remote sensing and create a pole of excellence in East Europe. The scientists of PRE-TECT will organize a summer school for ECARS, aiming to introduce young researchers in a large-scale atmospheric cal/val exercise, focusing on the evaluation of aerosol and cloud satellite products employing ground-based and airborne sensors. During the summer school the students will be exposed on dedicated hands-on training activities.